Colin Donnell & Paul Blackthorne announced at the Super Heroes Con 4 !

Good evening, we have the pleasure to announce our 4th and 5th guest, Colin Donnell and Paul Blackthtorne!
Colin really liked the convention, he is glad to come back and to do a duo with John!
Paul loves to meet his fans, he is impatient to come and meet you as he wished to attend since the beginning of the SHCs!
The Merlyn (John&Colin) and Cops (Paul&Rick) duo photo ops are now on the ticketing, and other duos will be added shortly!

Colin and Paul are included guest, their extras are in limited quantity!
Meeting rooms with Colin and Paul also are discounted, the price being 50€ instead of 100€

The extras have been added to the ticketing.
As we announced this weekend, Tom Cavanagh isn’t unfortunately available for the convention. For the person who have an extra with him, you have the choice between a refund or a credit, we are waiting for your email at
We still are working on two contracts.