The Stranger Fan Meet 7 will take place on May 13th and 14th, 2023
Good evening everyone,
We are very pleased to announce that the Stranger Fan Meet 7 – Special Edition will take place on May 13 and 14, 2023. A brand new edition that will take into account your different feedback. This will be the one and ONLY SFM of the year, right before the actors go back to shooting.
First of all, the new place offers us 17.000m² against 9.000m² at the last SFM! We are waiting for the return of the signed contract, which should be soon, to announce it to you. Obviously the security will be strongly reinforced on site, it is our number 1 priority. In addition, we prefer to warn you now that the number of available places will also be much more limited than during our last edition, and this, precisely, in order to guarantee the best security for everyone.
In order to simplify things, we have also decided to propose a single entry ticket which will be available at the opening of the ticketing. It will open shortly after the first guests are announced! As you asked, this time, the ticketing will open with a headliner. Fast Line tickets will also be available, but only for the day. As the panel room is limited in size, all panels will be offered at an additional cost and only those with a ticket will be able to access them. Prices for silver guests will be as low as possible. This time you will be able to choose your place in the panel room directly on the ticketing system. So, no need to be first-come first-served, your place will be reserved for you anyway, which will allow you to be more comfortable on the day of the event.
We have decided to change our service provider for photo printing. We will propose this time instant printing with a printing team that is used to this kind of volume and that has already worked on very big European shows.
We would also like to talk about the restoration points which will be far superior to our last event!
Last but not least, we have decided to change our ticketing system! A much more efficient ticketing system that will be able to handle the number of connections. We hope this will save you a lot of stress before the event.
This seventh edition will have a minimum of 7 guests. We are doing everything possible to ensure that your favorite actors will be present‧es.
We hope you enjoy this news, we can’t wait to announce the first guests! Stay tuned because it won’t be long…
The People Conventions team