Rebels Spartacus 6 is postponed to 2021

Hello everyone,

As promised, here is some news about the postponement of the Rebels Spartacus.
Most of you voted and the result is undeniable: we are going to postpone the convention to 2021. We will give you the new date as soon as possible once we have agreed with the actors and their teams.
As a reminder, here are your options:

You still want to come to the convention in 2021: you have nothing to do, we’ll send you new tickets.

You can’t or won’t come anymore:
=> You can resell your pass following the rules posted yesterday. If you don’t respect these rules, the resale will not be taken into account and we will not be held responsible.
=> You can send an email to and ask for a voucher which will be valid for 18 months. If not used, the voucher will be refunded in totality after the 18 months.
You have until January 31, 2021, to ask for a voucher. We will post an update at the beginning of next year regarding the health crisis and the conditions resulting from it so you can make your decision really knowing your options.

In the meantime, take care of yourself and your loved ones.

The People Convention Team.